RadixIndex : Hungarian and Central European genealogy and local history databases
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Our news page is dedicated to RadixIndex updates. On top of this web page the content is also accessible in the RadixIndex RSS feed, as well as on the RadixIndex Facebook page and updates are announced in the RadixIndex Twitter tweets, too.

No new subscriptions accepted, still, RadixIndex remains in service

Published: 08/29/2023 10:30

As the full closure of its operations scheduled for August 31, 2023 is cancelled, the RadixIndex site providing records for Hungarian and Central European family history reseearch goes on with its databases, for an unknown period, until further notice. The site should be ... more

RadixIndex ceases its paid service on August 25, 2022*

Published: 07/26/2022 12:46

As a result of the ever diminishig interest, the US terminating its tax treaty with Hungary and Hungary's fascist government's tax doubling assault on small businesses, RadixIndex the 22+ year old subscription site to Hungarian genealogy was left without ... more

Main sections of the A-H WW1 Verlustliste database now complete, 94% of the records available

Published: 11/03/2019 11:16

This day at RadixIndex is marked for uploading the last lines from the main parts of Austria-Hungary's Verlustliste, a series of hundreds of booklets listing the casualties of the military in World War I. This RadixIndex ... more

Records at RadixIndex pass the 5 million milestone - with over 1 M for free

Published: 12/26/2018 16:31

Going ahead at a somewhat moderate yet consistent speed, today's additions to RadixIndex mark the 5 million record milestone. For now and for the months coming efforts at the site are concentrated to complete the more

The WW1 K.u.K. Verlustliste database reaches its 2 millionth record - 80% complete

Published: 09/12/2018 18:33

With the 250,000 record strong update of today, the biggest of databases at RadixIndex, Verlustliste, the WW1 Austria-Hungary casualties list now offers more than 2 million records. This database is about 80% complete now, the database is about ... more

Free searches at RadixIndex during the 2017 Advent period

Published: 11/29/2017 15:45

Starting on November 30, RadixIndex opens an Advent calendar with a feature never seen before on the site: surnames starting with the day's letter going to be available absolutely ... more

RadixIndex changed to secure conection

Published: 02/13/2017 16:38

In line with current trends, starting on February 13, 2017 the RadixIndex site is now available through a secure, SSL ... more

RadixIndex over the 4 million records milestone

Published: 02/03/2017 15:21

The updates at RadixIndex these past few days made the site reach a milestone: the service mostly used by family historians now offers more than 4 million ... more

RadixRefA - new database created at RadixIndex

Published: 12/18/2016 16:27

Genalogy and local history site RadixIndex today launched its newest resource: RadixRefA. RadixRefA indexes archival sources, materials that haven't been published in print. The merely 250 records at its debute will see a growth in magnitude ... more

Advent calendar between 15-24 December

Published: 12/15/2016 20:33

December 2016 brings an advent calendar with 10 windows to RadixIndex. The windows opening between 15 and 24 December show various RadixIndex or other Hungarian genealogy related surprises to site ... more

Back to year 2000 with the prices: weekend coupon sale at RadixIndex

Published: 08/12/2016 11:05

With RadixIndex's weekend sale, dodging 15 years of inflation is easy. Using the coupon code at checkout, new subscribers can set up their accounts with year 2000 prices - and existing accounts can be topped up, too, at those historic ... more

August 2016 update brings 250,000 records to the WW1 Verlustliste database

Published: 08/12/2016 10:21

RadixIndex is happy to announce that with the August 12, 2016 batch its popular World War 1 Verlustliste/Casualty list database gained 250,000 ... more

Checks are no more accepted at RadixIndex

Published: 08/12/2016 10:11

A growing number of banks in Hungary stopped buying international checks, and in line with the trend, our bank announced the same news a couple of weeks ago, too. As a result, RadixIndex can't submit and cash international checks to the bank, and therefore as of today, RadixIndex can't accept ... more

The Monarchy's WW1 casualty list database enriched with 100,000 records

Published: 07/01/2015 17:34

Indexing Austria-Hungary's World War 1 casualty lists is an ongoing project at RadixIndex. The yield of the preceeding months, a set of 100,000 records has just been added to the database on this first day of 2015's second ... more

Austria-Hungary's WW1 casualty list database at RadixIndex passes its millionth record

Published: 12/13/2014 10:14

Another batch of 500,000 records has been added to the Verlustliste database, a collection at RadixIndex that indexes the published casualty lists of Austria-Hungary's military during World War I and ... more

Advent calendar with free records

Published: 12/01/2014 18:45

During the advent period of 2014 records of new popular surnames become freely available on RadixIndex. The advent calendar of the site opens a popular surname between the 1st and 24th of December - one surname a ... more

RadixIndex adds casualty records from Austria-Hungary

Published: 06/05/2014 15:32

Approaching the 100th anniversary of the start of WW1, the Verlustliste database at RadixIndex grew its geographic coverage by adding 300,000 records from various areas of the Hapsburg ... more

RadixIndex update with 500,000 new records

Published: 06/05/2013 19:41

With today's update the number of records available through has gone beyond 2.5 millions. Visitors of the site would find 190,000 new entries in the WW1 Verlustliste databases and a batch of ... more

RadixIndex adds WW1 casualty records of Verlustliste

Published: 12/11/2012 12:34

With an initial 10,000 records RadixIndex, the database site for Hungarian genealogists, has just introduced its new set of data. The new collection processes Verlustliste, the casualty list of Austria-Hungary's military during the ... more

Presentation about RadixIndex at Young Archivists Association conference

Published: 10/20/2010 16:14

The subject of this year's conference of the Young Archivists Association (Hungary) was databases, digitization and service. I was asked to deliver a presentation about RadixIndex as a subscription ... more

RadixIndex is 10 years old - novelties and changes

Published: 02/10/2010 22:18

RadixIndex, the subscription-based website providing genealogists and local historians with Hungary-related databases was launched on February 1, 2010. Now, on the occasion of its tenth birth day I would like improve RadixIndex services by taking steps ... more

AustriaHungary.info launched

Published: 01/11/2010 00:00

During the preparations of a new site hoped to be available later this year, I processed the volumes of Gemeindelexikon to produce a gazetteer of the non-Hungarian and non-Bosnian-Herzegovinian parts of the Habsburg Empire. The early 1900s ... more

RadixRobot launched

Published: 11/12/2008 00:00

With the aim of enabling parallel surname search in various databases RadixRobot was called into existence. The service is still in beta phase. To access it please use 'radixrobot' as the username and 'robot1' as a ... more

RadixHub launched

Published: 10/07/2007 00:00

Brought down to the town level, RadixHub aims at creating a web directory of pages helpful in genealogy and local history ... more

RadixIndex5,509,030 records1,063,092 for freeSurnamesPlacesLog inSubscriptionArchivedFB
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