RadixIndex : Hungarian and Central European genealogy and local history databases
Maps February 10, 2010: Maps project discontintued - maps available elsewhere My efforts to digitize the 1:200,000 scale sheets of the so-called 3rd Military Topographic Survery of Austria-Hungary have become obsolete years ago, so, I decided to end this project. The same sheets I was about to scan - in fact, even more of them - were made available by Budapest's ELTE University, followed by the collection of the 1:75,000 series by the AtHu75 project. And add to these the digitized and publicly available part of the Arcanum map products already online - and even more coming. All these led me to abandon the RadixIndex map project and focus on non-duplicate data.
Still, if anyone as a subscriber feels that (s)he really needs a sheet section to be prepared by me, please, contact me at RadixIndex support to see if I can help. |
RadixIndex plans to make available a couple of maps. The beginning of the first series: 1:200,000 scale old military maps of Hungary has been launched. Click here to see it!