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RadixIndex Personal Alerts What is the RadixIndex Personal Alerts service?Here at RadixIndex we created a unique service that might bring convenience to your family history research. After the breezy registration of your researched surnames this application will send email alerts if there are new records at RadixIndex where the surnames you are interested in appear. So, you will receive alert only if there is new stuff for your research. Free records Add to this that new databases at RadixIndex are usually free to access for one month. If you sign up for RadixIndex Personal Alerts, chances are you will be able to obtain new records for your research file at no charge. RadixIndex Personal Alerts is free! Whether you are a RadixIndex subscriber, or a guest visitor, the RadixIndex Personal Alerts service is a free service. The only difference is that there is no advertisement attached to alerts sent to subscribers, while there is a line or two of ad words in alerts delivered to guests. Sample alerts So what will you really receive after signup for this service? Click for samples! Privacy statement Your email or any other personal or research information will not be given out to third parties. Registration Please use the following form to sign up for the RadixIndex Personal Alerts service. Click here if you are a RadixIndex subscriber Click here if you are not a RadixIndex subscriber Need help? Please use the contact page. |
RadixIndex | 5,509,030 records | 1,063,092 for free | Surnames | Places | Log in | Subscription | Archived | FB |
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