018044: Esetleg tudtok-e valamit a gróf Gottschalkus Gotsch Gots Gotz Goth dinasztiáról Az 1200 as években Késmárkon Mátéfalván
018037: Esetleg tudtok-e valamit a gróf Gottschalkus Gotsch Gots Gotz Goth dinasztiáról Az 1200 as években Késmárkon Mátéfalván
010485: to Béri from Koller to Lendvai and from Götz to Gyimesi A third cousin of mine wrote
010483: to Béri from Koller to Lendvai and from Götz to Gyimesi A third cousin of mine wrote
010480: to Béri from Koller to Lendvai and from Götz to Gyimesi A third cousin of mine wrote
010479: to Béri from Koller to Lendvai and from Götz to Gyimesi A third cousin of mine wrote
010478: to Béri from Koller to Lendvai and from Götz to Gyimesi A third cousin of mine wrote
010475: to Béri from Koller to Lendvai and from Götz to Gyimesi A third cousin of mine wrote
010474: to Béri from Koller to Lendvai and from Götz to Gyimesi A third cousin of mine wrote
004945: van További nevek Bach Bonafert Brasch Endrész Gill Götz 2 Haffner Krauszmann Ménich Szegner 3 Virginger Virsinger
004940: van További nevek Bach Bonafert Brasch Endrész Gill Götz 2 Haffner Krauszmann Ménich Szegner 3 Virginger Virsinger
004726: van További nevek Bach Bonafert Brasch Endrész Gill Götz 2 Haffner Krauszmann Ménich Szegner 3 Virginger Virsinger