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Understand Hungarian? | |
Books on which Hungarian subjects would be of your interest? |
Travel ,
Maps ,
History in general ,
Local history ,
Military history ,
Cultural history ,
Recipe books
Contemporary music
What kind of Hungarian heritage items would be of your interest? |
Crafts ,
Food ,
Drinks ,
Traditional music
Besides Hungary, what other countries or areas does your ancestry research cover? |
Germany ,
Great Britain ,
Ireland ,
US ,
Latin-America ,
Africa ,
Italy ,
France ,
Benelux countries
Russia and the Ukraine ,
Baltic republics ,
Spain and Portugal ,
Greece ,
Czech Republic ,
Poland ,
Austria ,
Slovakia ,
Romania ,
Yugoslavia ,
Do you plan a trip to any of these countries or areas? |
Hungary ,
Former Austria-Hungary countries ,
Central Europe ,
Western Europe ,
Mediterranean ,
Former Soviet Union Countries ,
The Ukraine ,
US ,
Canada ,
Caribbean ,
Latin-America ,
Africa ,
Asia ,
Pacific ,
Australia or New-Zealand