RadixIndex : Hungarian and Central European genealogy and local history databases
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Books on which Hungarian subjects would be of your interest?
Travel , Maps , History in general , Local history , Military history , Cultural history , Recipe books Contemporary music

What kind of Hungarian heritage items would be of your interest?
Crafts , Food , Drinks , Clothing Traditional music

Besides Hungary, what other countries or areas does your ancestry research cover?
Germany , Great Britain , Ireland , US , Latin-America , Africa , Italy , France , Scandinavia Benelux countries Russia and the Ukraine , Baltic republics , Spain and Portugal , Greece , Czech Republic , Poland , Austria , Slovakia , Romania , Yugoslavia , Croatia

Do you plan a trip to any of these countries or areas?
Hungary , Former Austria-Hungary countries , Central Europe , Western Europe , Mediterranean , Former Soviet Union Countries , The Ukraine , US , Canada , Caribbean , Latin-America , Africa , Asia , Pacific , Australia or New-Zealand


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